Are you are a member of the Law Society? If so, then we arrange an Exclusive Home loan package for Law Society members with a major Australian bank. This package is designed to beat the competition with significant variable and fixed rate discounts. The Law Society Home Loan package benefits from no ongoing fees, application or ATM fees anywhere in Australia, and great savings on your day-to-day banking. You also have the ability to pay your salary into your account which will help you pay off your home loan sooner.
No ongoing or Package fees
While many lenders charge $300 - $400 per year as an annual package fee the Law Society Home Loan package has no monthly or annual package fees at all.
Pay off you Home Loan sooner
You have the option of paying your salary into the home loan account. Because interest is charged daily, each day that your salary remains in your account it will save you interest charges and potentially take years of your loan.
Additional Payments - no fees
On variable accounts you can make unlimited additional payments for free. You can then redraw any additional payments for free at any time. On fixed rate loans you can make an additional $10,000 per year per fixed loan account. No redraw is available on fixed rates.
Unlimited transactions
With the Law Society Home Loan package you also get unlimited free EFPOS, Internet, BPAY and ATM transactions for free. This includes unlimited ATM withdrawals anywhere in Australia. This means you can make significant savings on your day to day banking charges.
Your loan can be setup with the Masterlimit facility which gives you great control and flexibility to design your own loan structure going forward. Wouldn't it be great to be able to change your loan structure at any time without any variation fees and without the need for a new loan approval? Ask us about the Masterlimit facility and we can discuss how it can work for you.
In summary, the Law Society Home Loan package has the following key benefits:
No Application fees (or future application fees on increases)
No ongoing monthly, or annual fees, or redraw fees
No valuation fee
Variable rate discount up to 0.75%
0.15% discount off current & future standard fixed rates
Unlimited free transactions per month (including free ATMs at other banks)
Up to 10 free additional loan splits
Full Internet and Phone banking
Unlimited Additional payments on Variable rate ($10,000 per year on each fixed rate)
Free unlimited Redraw facility (Variable & Line of Credit)
Innovative Master Limit facility gives you a Pre-approved Home Loan Limit for 10 years. Control your own loan structure. Create sub-accounts, switch P&I to IO etc for free.
Call us on 1300 65 33 65 and we will be happy to give you some repayment numbers and design a loan structure to suit your needs.